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Case Study Three

Wheatroyd lane, Almondbury

The client had already started working on their garden during the lockdown, digging up the lawn to eliminate the need for lawn mowing. We drew two plans - one based on circular areas and one based on square areas - and they chose the circles. The owner disliked the retaining wall across the garden, mainly due to its poor construction, but they liked the stone and wanted to reuse it. So, a round wall was built in its place using the existing stone, with porcelain-faced steps cutting through the middle.

The main patio was slightly reduced to make room for some plants, and a pergola was built close to the house with the intention of adding a roof at a later date to provide protection from the weather. The paved area at the top of the garden was extended to create a more usable space, as it was the sunniest spot in the garden and the client's preferred seating area. The two areas on either side of the steps were planted with low-maintenance plants that only needed tending to two or three times a year. These included Miscanthus, Verbena, and Skimmia. We also worked with the electrician to lay cables for the lighting that would illuminate the steps and top patio, allowing the garden to be used in the evening.

Griselinia hedging was planted in three of the borders, and once established, it will create a screen between each area of the garden as one walks through. Porcelain paving was chosen for the patios to create a bright, maintenance-free space, and this was edged with a contrasting black granite sett.

Our client was ecstatic when this project was finished, and so were we!

From Concept
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And Accomplishment


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